Drakulic Photography LLC.

Drakulic Photography LLC.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Drakulic Photography LLC is a Jeannette, PA based professional photography business available for Weddings, Senior/Family Portraiture, Commercial, and Real Estate Photography. Call or email today to see how Drakulic Photography LLC differentiates from other photographic services.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Embracing Failure or Creative Blocks and Moving Forward

Hi all!

The title of this weeks blog may seem a little depressing or pessimistic, but it is quite the opposite! Every professional and especially creatives go through a slump or a creative funk, and I'm no different. Hitting one of these slumps can often give you a feeling of failure if things aren't always going the way you want. This can also lead you to question your own confidence.

Now, I'll preface by stating that I don't feel I've "failed" in any particular way, and I'm certainly not aware of any dissatisfied clients, but I have felt that in the last week or 2 I may have hit a lull creatively. Of course I'm always looking to improve upon myself personally, professionally, monetarily, and creatively so I decided to research and read a ton of articles about "creative ruts" as well as "creative blocks" and ways to snap out of them.

I found a great article here: http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2012/07/12/7-ways-to-get-out-of-a-creative-rut/ from psych central.com and gave it a quick read. #6 Celebrate your failures there is a great quote that you can read from author Ray Bradbury who also coincidentally has another great quote I've heard many times, "Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down." 1. Create space and 3. Change something small also were helpful in motivating me to take a small step back and make a few minor changes.

Needless to say I decided to step away from the computer & cell phone for a while yesterday. I went to chop firewood for our weekend bonfires and boy did it help clear my head! During this time of contemplation I already came up with a couple new ideas and different ways of shooting that I'm excited to implement on several photographic shoots that are scheduled over the course of the next few weeks. There were many ideas that popped into my head that will hopefully allow me to pursue my ultimate goal of creating unique photography that differs from anyone else's. I'm excited to share some of these plans and also share the final photos with you in the near future.

Until next time, stay positive and always embrace failures...they can lead to growth!

As always comments, questions, suggestions, and critiques are welcome!

Friday, October 14, 2016

New Realty Images Updated on the Website

Hi everyone,

The blog this week will be short and sweet. For those that have asked about, texted, commented, or have read last weeks blog...YES, I am thoroughly enjoying the new truck and am still shocked by the whole scheme that went down last week!

I spent this week doing some digital photo editing jobs and updating the website a little. I've added a few new images from some more recent real estate jobs and removed a few older ones in the Architecture/Real Estate section of the site. Real Estate work has been pretty good this year overall and is also something I enjoy very much so I wanted to share some new photos for my website viewers and especially for the real estate agents that may be reading. If you or someone you know is a local real estate agent(s) and they'd like to know more about how professional photography can increase their clients' interest and ultimately their sales, please have them contact me to discuss more. 

As always comments, questions, suggestions, and critiques are always welcome! 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Crazy Week Topped Off By A Crazy Surprise

Happy weekend everyone,

This week is a little different than most blogs. Along with a realty job, some editing, and a few others this week, I had a bombshell surprise dropped on me that I was totally unaware of. Rarely do I share many personal stories on the blog (I try to keep it MOSTLY professional) but this one was a total shocker to me!

For about a month my awesome girlfriend, Noele, had been planning a surprise purchase for me and I was hit with it on Thursday. My "family vehicle" Honda Pilot had been racking up some high mileage over the years and I've been looking into a few used pickups good to haul camera equipment to jobs, take the quads places, pack vacation gear, or just supplies for around the house. After some bogus story about wrecking her car and needing picked up at the dealer, I was presented with this GMC Sierra and was completely floored when I arrived! Reluctantly, I accepted, but only after a series of my typical headstrong squabbles making her prove and reassure me of our financial stability first. 

The truck had 25 miles on it and is the 1st vehicle I've ever had that was brand new. Anyone that knows me knows that I am a huge GM fan having previously owned a Corvette, Camaro, and multiple trucks in the past. This truck is absolutely suited for me and (yes, some reading this may think its a bit strange) everything about it matches my personality and disposition. I can now cruise to a wedding, meeting, or photo shoot in style, or else traverse rugged terrains to a great fishing hole, remote photo destination, or quad trail.  

Of course, upon leaving the dealer the camera was out and clicking cycles away feverishly. For the photography friends that may be reading this, I tried my hand at a little High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography with it to better highlight the details. One of the images I also converted to a metallic looking black & white. I loved how they turned out and wanted to share. I'm a lucky man! 

As always comments, questions, suggestions, and critiques are welcome. Have a great week!