Drakulic Photography LLC.

Drakulic Photography LLC.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Drakulic Photography LLC is a Jeannette, PA based professional photography business available for Weddings, Senior/Family Portraiture, Commercial, and Real Estate Photography. Call or email today to see how Drakulic Photography LLC differentiates from other photographic services.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Frequently Asked Questions-Costs of Photography

Hi All,

It's been a CRAZY last 2 weeks and I've not had much time to focus on the blog, but I'm back now and ready to steam forward consistently again. In the last 2 weeks most of my focus has been on a graduation party here at the house, realty photography, wedding photography, commercial photography for a few local small businesses, and also a few Westinghouse jobs so that has occupied quite a bit of time, but I'll continue with the theme from a few weeks ago...Frequently Asked Questions. 

One of the main concerns potential clients have is, with good reason, cost. Hiring a professional photographer for your business, family or corporate event, or wedding (just to name a few) doesn't have to break the bank, but there are numerous costs involved for professional photographers as well. These costs do factor into the pricing structures. Personally, I have factored in what I'd need to make to operate a profitable business, pay my bills, and live a somewhat normal life based on the time I have invested into a job. I do my best to keep these prices average and competitive, yet still affordable. Admittedly, I have very little overhead so I can pass this onto my clients.

Let's get into some of the things that we, as professional photographers, have to pay for when we quote you a price. 

Education. Anyone can take a photograph, its knowing what to do in certain lighting situations with white balance, where to put your focus points, understanding exposure, shutter speeds, composition, ISO, focal lengths, and how to tell a story with each powerful image...plus many more aspects. All of this comes with experience (sometimes years) and education. An example of this educational cost is the $60,000+ I paid for my BFA to get a great art and photographic education and to learn as much as I could about my profession and passion.

Next we have equipment costs. In my camera bag right now I have around $10,000 worth of equipment and that is actually pretty low compared to other professional photographers. I do NOT put an emphasis on having the best of the best, top of the line equipment, because I believe creativity comes from within. The most expensive camera isn't necessarily going to make me the best photographer. However, you do need to have equipment that is sufficient for all of the types of jobs you accept. This includes lenses, batteries, camera bodies, SD or CF cards, filters, cleaners, tripods, bags, chargers, and so many more items. Also, every one of these items listed you'd need to have backups of (usually AT LEAST 3 of each.)

Business costs. Businesses cannot operate if they cannot make money, and it takes money to make money in some instances. Creating a legal business entity, networking, insurance, meetings with clients, business group memberships, business cards, website work and hosting all cost a professional photographer, and all of these are also factored into the overall costs.

Finally, I'll leave you with a few other contributing costs to photographers that maybe people don't know about. Printing, CD or DVD costs, gas, wear and tear on a vehicle, additional lighting, stands, backdrops, flash units, external hard drives, computers, editing software, phones, film, legal advice, contracts, electricity, rent (if you own a studio) and way too many other items to list. 

These are the reasons why it is not just "taking a few pictures" and often to receive high quality work it costs a little more. 

Some advise for my readers: 1. Be very wary of low priced photography. Often these are new photographers/students with no idea of the costs of business, or the quality that a client expects, or worse yet a photographer that doesn't appreciate the value of their own work. 2. Shop around. I always tell potential clients to look around and see the price differences and also which style of work best fits their purchase and likes. From my perspective, it also feels much more fulfilling knowing a client did their homework and still chose me. 3. Don't expect great creative work for cheap, or worse yet, free.  

That is all for this week. Thanks for reading and as always questions, comments, and critiques are always encouraged!      

Friday, June 10, 2016

My Little Assistant Yesterday

Happy Friday Everyone,

Yesterday I had the opportunity to take my 4 year old son Luka with me on a small commercial photography shoot for Health Markets in Penn Hills. I'm not sure who was more excited, him, to be able to go to a job with me, see what I do, and help assist me, or me for being able to share with him what I love to do. His job was to hold the reflector and help carry equipment. 

It was fun to see him take an interest in my work and hang out with dad during the shoot. A big thanks also to Scott Corna of Health Markets for allowing him to assist, being a wonderfully friendly guy to him, and for taking the time to accomadate his lofty needs for Scott to draw him a boat, ocean, and shark (see the image below) while I set up.

Also, for my fellow BNI members, fellow business owners, or interested blog readers, I will be giving the keynote 10 minute presentation this Wednesday (11:00 A.M-12:30 P.M.) at our weekly meeting at Tolericos in Monroeville. If you'd like to come and hear more about what I do or just tag along to see what zany and interesting things I have to say email, call, or text me. We'd love to have you visit, plus it's free to attend! Have a great weekend!